Club rules
- a. The Club shall be called Cranleigh Camera Club
- b. The Club year shall run from September to August the following year.
- c. A Club Member shall be one who has paid his/her subscription during the current Club year as specified under Rule 6.
The Club shall be non-trading and non-profit-making, shall exist for the benefit of members and those interested in photography and shall meet on frequent occasions.
The Club shall meet at such premises as the Committee may from time to time decide.
- a. The Committee of the Club may consist of a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Programme Secretary and as many other Committee members as is considered to be necessary and who will take office at the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting after being duly elected by the members. The Committee may amalgamate the posts of Secretary and Programme Secretary if they see fit to do so.
- b. All business of the Club, as well as domestic and other arrangements for its establishment and management, shall be conducted by the Committee, who may form sub-committees as deemed necessary. One Committee member shall act as a Publicity Officer.
- c. The Committee shall meet at least four times in one Club year.
- d. Four Committee members shall form a quorum.
- e. The Committee shall have power to co-opt members to the Committee if deemed necessary.
- f. Cheques shall be signed by any two of the following: Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Programme Secretary.
- a. Membership shall be open to any person.
- b. The Committee has the right to approve or reject any application for membership without disclosing reasons to the applicant.
- c. The Committee reserves the right to terminate membership of the Club for any person without disclosing reasons. Such decisions will be communicated in writing by the Chairman of the Club to the member concerned, who shall have the right to a personal appeal to the Committee.
- a. The rate of the Annual Subscription shall be determined at the Annual General Meeting. The Club website will be updated at the beginning of each club year to show the agreed subscription.
- b. Members shall pay their subscription before the first competition, if competing, or by the end of November.
- c. Juniors, up to and including 18 years of age, and those in full-time education shall pay 50% of the full subscription.
- d. Members joining after 1st January shall pay a pro-rata proportion of the full subscription at the Treasurer's discretion.
- a. The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held on the last Club meeting of each Club year. Members may submit resolutions for decision at the meeting. Any such resolutions must be notified to the Secretary at least fourteen days before the meeting so they may be included in the agenda. The agenda for the meeting will be issued by the Secretary not later than seven days before the meeting. The election of the Committee for the ensuing year will take place at the AGM.
- b. An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called at any time by the Committee, seven days notice being given. An EGM may also be called upon the request, in writing, of not less than 35% of the membership.
The request shall state the purpose of the meeting and is to be in the hands of the Secretary not less than fourteen days before the date of the meeting. - c. Each member shall have one vote. In the event of an equality of votes at a meeting, the Chairman may exercise his/her right to the casting vote. A quorum will consist of 35% of the membership.
- d. At Annual General Meetings an audited income and expenditure account, together with a report of the finances of the Club shall be presented.
- e. Matters for discussion under Any Other Business at Annual General Meetings must be submitted in writing, at least fourteen days before the meeting.
The Chairman shall provide a report on the activities of the Club over the previous year at the Annual General Meeting.
Any proposals for the winding up of the Club must be signed by at least 51% of the Club membership.
The decision to wind up must be taken by at least 75% of Club members present at a General Meeting.
Any assets shall be given to the Surrey Photographic Association (SPA).
All members shall agree to abide by the Club rules.
- a. A separate document governs the Rules for Club Competitions and Exhibitions.
- b. Competition and Exhibition Rules will be posted on the Club website and will be available from the Secretary on application. Any major changes to Competition or Exhibition Rules recommended by the Committee shall be brought for decision to a General Meeting. The Committee may, however, make minor variations to Competition and Exhibition Rules as they deem necessary in the light of changing circumstances and the efficient management of the Club.
- c. A fee shall be paid by members for entering prints and/or PDIs in the Annual Exhibition. The fee is set each year at the Club's AGM. The current fee will be indicated on the Club's website.
The foregoing rules shall be the Rules of the Club until amended or rescinded by the members at a General Meeting. Fourteen days notice must be given for any proposed changes.
Adopted at an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Club on March 15th 2018